For Asset-Based Lenders & Private Credit Investors

Your global asset-based lending portfolio management solution

For investors in asset-backed credit, deal diligence and risk mitigation relies on reams of borrower-provided data that need to be manually validated and analysed. Cascade’s platform provides verified asset level calculations in purpose-built infrastructure to confidently deploy capital and monitor your portfolio. Scale AUM faster with less risk and headache.
Colorful gradient

Accelerate capital deployment and reduce risk.

Independently Verified data

No more reliance on self-reported data. We are your calculation agent, continuously validating all asset-level data is accurate.

Real-time Reporting

Direct data integrations allow for real-time reporting to manage your risk better.

Dashboards & Analytics

Say goodbye to spreadsheets. Visualize and analyze your portfolio with dashboards and analytics.
How it Works

Your deal diligence and monitoring platform.





Credit card mockups

Purpose-built for all asset-based financing

Asset Types

Consumer Loans

Auto Loans/Leases

Small Business Loans

Revenue Based Financing

Esoteric Finance

...and anything else with cashflows.

Financing Structures

Warehouse lines

Forward Flow Agreements

Corporate ABL

Multi-class debt facilities (Senior, Mezz, Jr)

....and everything in between.

Whether you're an investor or a fintech, Cascade is all you need. The founding team come from a private credit and lender finance background that makes them the most knowledgeable data analytics and facility management solution in this space. They are always available to provide support, especially with valuable insights during due diligence and underwriting.  The credit facility monitoring tools allow us to have fantastic real-time insight into our investments which has a massive impact on our risk management capabilities.

AJ Davidson
CEO, SixPoint Capital

Join the revolution and experience the power of Cascade.